Clune highlights EU assistance for people affected by dementia

Mar 18, 2023 | Political News

Clune highlights EU assistance for people affected by dementia

Mar 18, 2023 | Political News

Clune highlights EU assistance for people affected by dementia

Mar 18, 2023 | Political News

Deirdre Clune MEP - Diesel gate

Clune highlights EU assistance for people affected by dementia

“EU resources can help provide better support for the 64,000 Irish people with Dementia and their carers.”

That is the message from Ireland South MEP Deirdre Clune following a recent European Parliament Debate focused on Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia care.Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a range of conditions which cause changes and damage to the brain.

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland estimates the number of Irish people with the condition will more than double in the next 25 years to over 150,000.MEP Clune, who is Vice-Chairperson of the European Alzheimer’s Alliance, says “Dementia is a health and social issue that requires a community response across Ireland and the EU.

Most people with Dementia live at home and in the community, meaning thousands of Irish people are providing support and care.Dealing with behavioural and psychological symptoms can be distressing both for patients and their caregivers so we need to ensure support and best practices for all involved.

The ‘Healthier Together EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative’ and the ‘EU4Health Programme’ are among the resources available to implement effective policies and actions to develop, upskill and support our health and care workers.

We are continuing to work at EU level to support clinical action plans and fund research projects into Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia and the newly established European Parliament Public Health Subcommittee provides a dedicated forum to focus on these matters.

As co-host of the recent European Parliament Alzheimer Europe Debate, I thank Andy Heffernan and Cormac Cahill from the Alzheimer Society of Ireland and Paddy Crosbie from the European Dementia Carers Working Group for bringing an Irish perspective to the event.”



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